Raices : Tyrone Guzman Centro’s youth group

Tyrone Guzman Centro’s youth group Raices came by yesterday for an exclusive tour of the exhibit! They were engaged and curious about the work. Gallery lights flickered as we entered the gallery and then right before we left as if a spirit was saying hello/goodbye. Last week we had Tyrone’s senior group come by, […]
Tlalnepantla Arts: Festival de las Calaveras Sinopsis sobre el origen del Día de los Muertos

Los “días de los muertos” en México se celebraba tradicionalmente a lo largo de dos ciclos de 20 días cada uno, que se correlacionan con los meses de agosto y septiembre, y se llaman Tlaxochimaco (“Ofrenda de Flores”) y Xocotl Huetzi (“La Caída de los Frutos Maduros”) por parte de los pueblos autóctonos de México […]
Tlalnepantla Arts: Festival de las Calaveras Synopsis on Day of the Dead origin

The Mexican “Days of the Dead” were traditionally celebrated throughout two 20-day period cycles, that correlate with the months of August and September, and referred to as Tlaxochimaco (“Offering of Flowers”) and Xocotl Huetzi (“The Falling of Ripened Fruits”) according to the Mexica day-count, based in part on the Mayan calendar. During the colonial era, […]
Festival de las Calaveras 2017

Arts Exhibition Sept 21 – Dec 9 Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Ave S, Mpls Co-presented with Intermedia Arts Curated by Ana Laura Juarez $5 suggested donation | no one turned away Artists: Dougie Padilla, Jonathan Herrera, Melodee Strong, Electric Machete Studios & others Opening Reception Thursday, Sept 28, 7-9 pm Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Ave […]